A trend to my trip started when I had breakfast beers at the Espy with Rach on Thursday. Followed by a ride to Tim’s house where I was introduced to the latest member of the Sando family, Erik, and had lots of beers.

Friday night saw eleventy thousand beers consumed at the Seacliff Pub, no sleep for me till sunrise........

but Dave can obviously sleep anywhere.

Saturday and a visit to the Royal Oak to meet Rach’s friends over some red wine and beers.

Then off to the Archer, where they make the greatest G&T, how do they get them so smooth? And they serve beer in 'large' or 'small' glasses?!?!?!?

Late night in Adelaide. Artwork or roadwork?

Brunch at The Edge was great, but riding back up cement hill with a full stomach while feeling a bit seedy is not fun.

Sunday session beers at the Emu with Naomi. One of those “let’s catch up for a beer” sessions that turns into “I think I’ll be walking home, the car’ll be right here overnight”.

Naomi quotes of the day: “Suck the f*cker out” and “Evil’s good”. Both quotes will remain out of context in order to protect the both of us.
Now Rach has left the state for a week and I have no one to organise my life!!!