Did the usual Sunday arvo thing, rode into Jamaican Joe’s around four and met up with Derryn, his brother and Heath. We’d started complimenting our beers with shots of Appleton’s rum before Jeff even turned up at five-ish. It began to get scary from there on.
Are they judging me already?!?!

We graduated from the standard rum to the 12 year old, couldn’t afford the $43 shots of 30 year old.

After dark we headed to the Watermark, I rode there and vaguely remember dodging a man with a pram, then promptly colliding with a light pole. Luckily the boys were there to catch the action and much ridicule and laughter ensued.
The Watermark was still pumping and we continued our drinking, me on Asahi. The special Asahi glasses were deposited in my bag for the house collection.

This is right about where I begin to lose my memory. I found these photos in my camera, but have no recollection of taking them.

I do have some recollection of abusing someone, then Reece flattening me before said person could take a swing at me. That’s what mates are for. As far as I remember it was all in good fun, and I do remember laughing it off, but in a town of rednecks this probably isn’t the best idea.

So I volunteered to escort myself from the premises. I then rode my brakeless fixie home.
The thing here is that I woke at 4am on my couch with no recollection of how I got home. Walked into the kitchen to find a loaf of bread (I’d been shopping), a clean set of dishes (I’d cooked an entire Latina Fresh Pasta meal), and the remnants of a ham and cheese sandwich wedged into my toaster (yes, not in the sandwich press). I then checked under the house to confirm I had ridden home, the ‘assclownretard’ was indeed leaning crooked against my tool chest.
I had to get to work in two hours…………