I think I'm doing pretty well riding EVERYWHERE on my fixie and carting stuff around on my back, although I certainly looked like the Hunchback Of Notre Dame on the way back from the post office the other day, my Chrome Mini Metro bulging at the seams. I even caught the bus to town on Saturday night. It's come to the point where I actually feel guilty all day if I drive to work or use my car to go shopping, but sometimes I have no choice, a weekly grocery trip means six or seven green bags. Then I came across this at a local bike shop.

The Kona Ute is a sign that the world is changing. When you see a huge bike company take an idea like this and run with it, you know attitudes are changing, even if only a little bit. Big companies don't take risks so they obviously know that they will sell enough of these to make it worthwhile. How great is that!!
I want one!! Now to justify another bike in the stable, and convince Elroy to ride on the back.